Monday, 20 July 2015

The scoop on poop....

After a long, hot day of volcano boarding, we returned to our hostel to find everyone back in the room. After much needed showers, and some down time. It was time for some food. Jan and I went off to eat on our own as the others wanted to stop for chinese food, which didn't interest me at all. After a bite to eat, we met up with everyone at a bar near the hostel called Gekko bar. As we had had a long day, we didn't stay long. 

Now, I have learned to become much more comfortable tallking about poop since some of my closest friends are poop talkers. Of course it would be embarrasing to say "I clogged the toilet", but it's part of life. No one would judge you for a toilet not working. So, when we returned to the hostel, and found a gift in the toilet in the bathroom, we were appalled. Laughing hysterically about how we were going to inform the guy at the front desk in spanish probably made the situation worse. The poor guy said he had "lost his appetite". And then of course, we were texting one of our poop talking friends to share the experience. As gross as it was, it was a hilarious half an hour where Jan and I coulnd't keep a straight face. Everyone needs a good laugh, right?!?!

I'm sure most people would have solved the problem right away but some people think if they leave it, it will get fixed. Which of course, it did since we needed use of the bathroom. Just one more ridiculous thing about hostel dorm rooms and some of the people that stay in them! No one would admit to it being theirs, even though Jan flat out asked them. So, we never did solve the mystery.....but we sure did have fun laughing about it!

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